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Why create branded goods?

Consumer interest in branded goods like Starbucks tumblers shows no sign of ending. Branded goods are now an integral part of brand communications, embodying a brand's values and philosophy.

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Branded goods, just add a logo and that's it?

Goods that simply slap your logo on them will no longer resonate with the market. Instead of being a one-off item that ends when you buy it, you need to create a lasting brand experience for consumers.

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Skyball /  (주)헬셀  /  HELSEL Co.,Ltd. in Korea

Direct T (En) : (+82) 70-8018-4407  /  T (Ko) : (+82) 2-1688-5343

Weekdays 9:30am-6:30pm  /  Lunch 12:30pm-1:30pm (UTC+9H)

Closed on weekends and holidays

E  : / W.  /

A : 12925 하남시 미사대로 520 현대지식산업센터한강미사 2차 D동 324호

12925 Unit No. 324, D-dong, 520, Misa-daero, Hanam-si, Republic of Korea

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